2008年4月2日 星期三

魔獸 2.4.1 patch 出爐

台版今天沒有更新到 2.4.1 所以也無從測試


Speedhack Forwards:

Speedhack Backwards:

Speedhack Swimming:

Speedhack Flying:

X Coord:

Y Coord:

Z Coord:

Facing Direction:

Movement State:

/* Not sure if the ones commented out are correct so inspect them first!! I did not update them at all.
Map ID (credits to Flos):

Zone ID:

??Something to do with zones??:

Tilt Forward:

Tilt Backward:

Weird Movement Thing: (mostly useful on P-Servers since setting to -1 or -2 results in walking up stairs)

Minutes: (can effect the hour)

Jumphack: (you may have trouble editing the address but I was successful with a debugger)

Viewhack: (Requires asm editing. Change to an unconditional jump)

New Walljump Hack: (Requires asm editing. Change to an unconditional jump) (look at a wall and jump to see the effect.)

-You can change your movement state to walking (value 128) while flying, move some, and then switch back to your normal form to remain at that z coord and still fly! (only tested on a druid with flight form)
-Freeze the Zone ID to 4092 and you can use the Arcane Charges wherever you want, although it wont actually let you USE it.
-Change the weird movement thing to -2 and its like your walking up stairs (i think).
